Your one stop shop for all of my shit (plus some ramblings from either me or my friends!)

I made a full album for the first time. Very, VERY proud of myself. (7/17/2024)

While I've been gone, I've been making music. Still more of the same sampling you guys know and love, but I really cracked down on trying to make some variety.

I still have yet to learn music theory, by the way. I just think it might suck the joy out of music, at least if I were to learn it right now. Maybe a future me endeavor.

ZER0 EXP0SURE is an album I think I am genuinely proud of, and that feels a bit... embarrassing(?) to say, especially when it's almost 99% samples, with a few that could get the album taken down.

But FUCK that self-depricating shit! I made a full length album with very little outside help! and that's a HUGE fucking achievement!! Maybe I just need a pep-talk every now and then, and you'll get some more music! :D


Over the past year, I've made a lot of music, but over the past like 3 years ive been sampling. its just more fun :)

Since starting my sampling journey, I've gone from thinking that sampling is a "no skill way of making music" to thinking that its a great stepping stone into making a peak track.

People should not be afraid to sample to make something, because it just helps with making creative pieces!!

you all should sample more.

Music Theory, and my Journey Through it!

So, this entire thing was born from me being dropped into my school's prestigious jazz program, despite knowing absolutely no music theory!

It never crossed my mind that I probably should be able to at least be able to play any scale when asked without having to look it up.


I should be starting a course on music theory online starting within the next couple of days (for context, its 7/30/2023) and I will just be throwing scanned notes into here.

sooooo i didnt do any of that. I'm learning by trial of fire just cuz im lazy!!!

Now that I'm learning through fire, I will still make notes IF I actually do a class thing/worksheet thing or something.

i will never learn actual music theory god damn it