Your one stop shop for all of my shit (plus some ramblings from either me or my friends!)

7/17/2024 - ZER0 EXP0SURE is finally coming to Spotify!!

Sorry that it took a while! I'm quite bad with money, and I spent all of my summer money in less than a month.... more than once... in June...

The original and intended release date for ZE was supposed to be June 12th (a very important date) but I was too hesitant to actually pay for my license to actually release it.

My bad lmao :9

At least I got the GDrive Release out on the intended date, but that's not really the same, is it?

Musical Musings of THE Purpellor iiPurpleGaming

I learned how to attach music to an HTML page by using W3Schools and it actually helped quite a bit.

ANYWAYS! The music in question! Unfortunately, since I'm flat BROKE I have to just store things on a google drive.

Since I'm too lazy to attempt getting them to embed in here, I'm just going to paste the link below, cuz thats just more organized lmao

I hope you enjoy!!