Your one stop shop for all of my shit (plus some ramblings from either me or my friends!)

7/17/2024 - Purpellor

Hiii! Sorry for not touching the site in almost a year, for those of you that actually check this thing :9

I've been on the music grind (among other things) for the better part of 2024, so I've been busy. Also I had a job for most of the non-summer this year, so I've been swamped.

I'm gonna try to work on this website some more, just cuz It'd be something good for me to work on when I need to get my mind off of more important work.

Don't expect much, though. It's still me we're talking about here. Maybe an actual update once a month or two? Sounds pretty doable to me.

Anyways, I did some web design work over the past year, so hopefully I can do some renovations to the website if I feel like it!

7/30/2023 - Purpellor

I finally decided to make some time to actually work on this website again, and now I'm planning on either making another subpage or minor subsection (im actually not entirely sure thats the right word but we roll with it) on the musicpage dedicated to my journey on learning music theory. Small warning if I do, it's mostly going to consist of scanned images of actual notes I would take in a notebook. I'm not typing out my notes because I think my insane way of taking notes is more fun to look at anyways.

6/8/2023 - Purpellor

I really like some of the content from the early internet. "The internet checkpoint" was a really cool concept.


I've gotten deeper into the furry internet history. You remember Rubber Band by Jackal Queenston (AKA Halley Labs), right? 2 THINGS.

FIRST. They were a furry???? How did I not KNOW???? The name is literally JACKAL Queenston.

SECOND. THIS WAS MADE BY ONE PERSON??? ALL OF IT IS??? BACK IN THE EARLY 2010s????? I thought they were hosting a bunch of albums by a bunch of people (maybe they are and im just being rash about my judgement) BUT NO!!!! This is just one self-titled "computer music freak" just crankin out some muh' fuckin' HARDSTYLE TUNES.

Anyways. They just like... put their shit on the website for FREE. So! Listen to it. I swear its good.

Top Picks Gotta Be:

BEST OF LAPFOX VOL 2, 8AM - Kistsune^2, Squaredance - Kitsune^2, and thats about it for now. Listening to albums got me FUCKED UP today.

oh yeah, also the new Tyler, The Creator deluxe album "The Estate Sale" dropped today. That was also cool.

Top Picks Gotta Be:


SO! The moral of the story is bless furries, they've been making bangers since before I could even understand.

and bless Tyler cuz he don't be missing holy SHIT i love The Estate Sale.

2/26/2023 - Purpellor

cooking is actually so fucking cool, like have you ever cooked a meal?? that shit's crazy. you just get a shit ton of normally inedible ingredients, you heat that stuff up, and WOW!!! its EDIBLE!!!!

cooking has always evaded me when it comes to how it works as well, its just so intuitive after a certain skill threshold. like,,,, some people just cook without following a recipie/?? its so shocking that people are even able to just INFER what they need to cook something edible.

i hope i'll always give MAD props to the cooks and the chefs out there in the world, y'all make my tummy feel good :]

2/25/2023 - Purpellor

OKAY im completely fucking lost everytime i open this program, but we have a GitHub where we work together now. I also added an icon to the page wich is pretty cool.

im gonna talk about a bunch of random shit in here whenever im updating the website in any way, shape, or form if there's any nagging thought(s) going through my head at the time.

(dancing baby gif)